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Subsea Engineering

Subsea Engineering

    Tullow Oil – Jubilee Field, Ghana
    Subsea Structure Laser Survey and Pipeline MBES
    Codex Integrity Limited engaged as the subsea technical authority, were responsible for vendor appraisal and subsequent survey support and data engineering assessment. This survey was required to monitor the movement of ultra-deepwater pipelines and their associated structures.
    Our engineering and survey team were responsible for:
  • Subsea laser vendor capability assessment
  • Detailed cost analysis and vendor selection recommendations
  • Identification of survey requirements and procedure approval
  • Laser survey execution support
  • Data anlysis and reporting deliverables specification
  • Fitness for service assessments (post survey engineering).


    Please feel free to contact a technical authority for more information and advice about our subsea engineering capability.

Tullow Oil - Jubilee Field, Ghana
Subsea Structure Laser Survey & Pipeline MBES


    Hurricane Energy Plc – Lancaster Field, West of Shetland
    Subsea Technical Authority
    Codex Integrity Limited provide subsea technical authority experience to the Lancaster field Early Production System (EPS) covering multiple wells tied back to the Aoka Mizu FPSO.
    Our engineering team are responsible for reviewing all subsea equipment design and documentation compliance. We are responsible for creation of operational documents, including:
  • Suitability and operability of design reviews
  • Compliance with the Pipeline Safety Regulations (PSR)
  • Confirmation of supplier material and equipment specifications, traceability, testing and inspection
  • Review of manufacturing data books and O&M manuals
  • Review onshore fabrication, inspection and testing plans, and fabrication and testing records
  • Review all installation and pre-commissioning processes
  • Undertake operational risk assessments
  • Create Major Accident Prevention Document (MAPD)
  • Devise Pipeline Management Plan (PMP) and risk based Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS)
  • Develop pigging plans and procedures
  • Generate riser ESV testing procedures
  • Develop Emergency Response Plans (ERP)


    Please feel free to contact a technical authority for more information and advice about our subsea and pipeline technical capability.

Hurricane Energy Plc - Lancaster Field, West of Shetland
Subsea Technical Authority

A Worldwide, Global Service

Codex provides technical and site support to facilities worldwide.  We are particularly effective at remote management of integrity and maintenance systems in order to reduce the need for personnel located within client offices, and the high associated costs.

We fully understand the importance of regular meetings and updates, and schedule them at the optimum times either face-to-face or via video teleconferencing.


We are always happy to offer advice on our areas of expertise. Our technical authorities and senior engineers are available to discuss any topics and queries in order to demonstrate our suitability for support provision.