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Integrity Management

Integrity Management – Topsides

    MODEC Ghana & New Zealand – FPSOs TEN, Jubilee, Raroa & Baobab Ivoirien
    Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) RBI Programme
    Codex Integrity Limited performed a formal API RP 581 risk based assessment of all topside and marine pressure safety valves (PSV). The assessment process comprises:
  • Identification of all pressure safety devices
  • Collation of PSV device design data and duty
  • Identification of protected equipment design data and duty
  • Individual device probability of failure to operate on demand calculations
  • Risk based assessments to determine ‘failure consequences’ and risk ranking
  • Device testing frequency determination based on Institute of Petroleum Model Codes of Safe Practice and ALARP
    We have undertaken a number of PSV risk based assessments for FPSO facilities, fixed production platforms, gas storage installations and onshore oil production sites. We also ensure that all maintenance plans and work orders are updated to suit the revised testing regimes.
    Other PSV related services include sizing, supervision of overhauls, and audit of valve overhaul vendors.


    Please feel free to contact a technical authority for more information and advice about our topsides integrity technical capability.

MODEC Ghana & New Zealand - FPSOs TEN, Jubilee, Raroa & Baobab Ivoirien
Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) RBI Programme


    HKN Energy – Kurdistan Operations
    Production Equipment Integrity Management and RBI programme
    Codex Integrity Limited undertook the implementation of an enhanced integrity management and risk based inspection programme for the onshore field production equipment. The process covered:
  • Bespoke integrity management framework
  • Collation of design and operating data
  • Individual internal and external degradation assessments
  • Identification of pipework Corrosion Loops c/w colour-coded drawings
  • Risk based assessments to determine ‘failure consequence’ and risk ranking
  • Identification of inspection requirements: type, frequency, technique, extent, due dates
  • Creation of detailed inspection work packs


    Please feel free to contact a technical authority for more information and advice about our onshore integrity technical capability.

HKN Energy - Kurdistan Operations
Production Equipment Integrity Management & RBI Programme


    Tullow Ghana Limited – Jubilee and TEN Fields
    Subsea Asset Integrity and Assurance Management
    Codex Integrity Limited act in a technical authority capacity for all subsea infrastructure covering wellheads, manifolds, flowlines and associated connections including jumpers, PLETs and flexible risers.
    The significant activities within this project were:
  • Creation of a subsea integrity management framework
  • Development of subsea corrosion and pipeline integrity management systems
  • Subsea corrosion modelling
  • Asset Register generation
  • Determination of a risk based IMR assurance matrix
    Codex continue to support Tullow in the planning of assurance activities, review of subsea survey data, anomaly identification and assessment, regular assurance reporting and day-to-day engineering support.


    Please feel free to contact a technical authority for more information and advice about our subsea integrity technical capability.

Tullow Ghana Limited - Jubilee and TEN Fields
Subsea Asset Integrity and Assurance Management

Integrity Management – Topsides

    MODEC Ghana & New Zealand – FPSOs Jubilee & Raroa
    Topside & Marine RBI programme
    Codex Integrity Limited performed a detailed risk based assessment of all topside and marine equipment to create bespoke inspection programmes for individual pressure vessels, tanks and exchangers and pipework systems. The process comprised:
  • Identification of all equipment items
  • Collation of design and operating data
  • Individual internal and external degradation assessments
  • Identification of pipework Corrosion Loops c/w colour-coded drawings
  • Risk based assessments to determine ‘failure consequence’ and risk ranking
  • Identification of inspection requirements: type, frequency, technique, extent, due dates
    We have undertaken a number of risk based assessments on FPSO topside, hull and marine equipment utilising our very experienced integrity and marine engineering team. We also develop maintenance routines and configure computerised systems including SAP, Maximo, Coabis, AMOS, Maintenance Connection, WorkMate and InforEAM.


    Please feel free to contact a technical authority for more information and advice about our topsides integrity technical capability.

MODEC Ghana & New Zealand - FPSOs Jubilee & Raroa
Topside & Marine RBI Programme

A Worldwide, Global Service

Codex provides technical and site support to facilities worldwide.  We are particularly effective at remote management of integrity and maintenance systems in order to reduce the need for personnel located within client offices, and the high associated costs.

We fully understand the importance of regular meetings and updates, and schedule them at the optimum times either face-to-face or via video teleconferencing.


We are always happy to offer advice on our areas of expertise. Our technical authorities and senior engineers are available to discuss any topics and queries in order to demonstrate our suitability for support provision.